I have $500. Should I invest in gold or should I go for stocks?

I have $500. Should I invest in gold or should I go for stocks? ===========0

What is a good way to invest so that I get proper returns? If it's stocks, which ones should I buy?

Answer by managers of GOLDIVANTI LP

  1. Keep your money in your own home
  2. Don't buy gold for gold spot prices. That is bad investment.
  3. Open up your local small ads newspapers
  4. Place an ad in newspaper or online, that you are buying gold, silver jewelry
  5. Calculate the gold price, pay 80% of the gold value
  6. Find a dealer for gold that pays 95% - 98% of the gold value
  7. Sell the bought goods to the gold dealer and earn 15%-20% on your income

You can do this one time per month, and you will have 10-20% return on your investment in shortest time. Keep discipline.

Contact Gold2me.com

Contact Gold2me.com. There is a simple rule at Gold2me.com: if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know

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