How do you make your own gold mine?
How to start a small scale gold mining company
Small scale mining is easy when one knows how. This introduction may help the reader to start in small scale mining activity. The general information shall give a guidance on how to properly look into the future of own sustainable gold mining.
Knowledge is power
Just like in many other areas of business, knowledge is power. First thing to do in order to start a new gold mining activity is to obtain as much knowledge as possible for your future mining development. You certainly don't need to be an educated miner, but you do need to have access to knowledge and to experts that may help you during your beginning stage.
Try to read as many prospecting books and instructions. Get acquainted with the prospecting tools such as metal detectors and gold sluices. Establish few local gold washing plants and process sand, soil or any kind of material, regardless if you are finding gold at the location or not. In fact, such actions, at first sight appearing useless, but they are going to help you in the real time situations. You do need to recognize the traces of black sand and heaviest minerals. You need to practically observe the minerals. Review the periodic table of elements again and especially find out the density or specific weight of gold, platinum, silver and other precious metals. Compare that to the specific weight of black sand and water, and go into deep understanding of the gold as precious metal. You should read at least few books on gold prospecting and some basic books on physics that explain characteristics of gold.
Source: How to start a small scale gold mining company
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