What is the best way to raise operation seed money for a gold mining claim?

What is the best way to raise operation seed money for a gold mining claim?

We have a gold claim that we would like to raise money for new equipment to help expedite the operation.

Answer by managers of GOLDIVANTI LP

Best way to raise the investment for your gold mining claim is that you start prospecting on the land yourself, and thus to evidence the gold deposits. Such activity is usually with minimum expenses. It can look just like this:

Your operation may be very simple, but you need to find gold yourself. There are too many “claims” to be sold, but what is the point to purchase a claim where there was no exploration or any evidence of gold deposits.

You should start prospecting yourself on your claim.

I am in business helping people to Start Your Own Gold Mine and connecting to those people who have claims. More than 200 people are connected to me with gold mining claims. And I am connecting gold mining land owners to investors.

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