Fake gold and fake gold nuggets offered from Burkina Faso

Fake gold and fake gold nuggets offered from Burkina Faso

Today on August 3rd 2018, we have received this picture of fake gold and fake gold nuggets offered supposedly from Burkina Faso.

This type of “gold nuggets” are usually made out of welding rods of yellow color and mostly offered from East Africa.

It is very sad that genuine businessmen cannot recognize and distinct the real gold nuggets from this type of buttons that were made with the deceptive and criminal intent.

It is part of every elementary school to learn about the specific gravity of water and other elements.

This knowledge of physics, the understanding of specific gravity, easily can help somebody to understand if the metal shown is gold or not gold.

As gold is 19.32 times more dense than water.

It would mean that 250 grams would fit into a small matchbox. And if you see a chunk metal of whatever color that occupies volume of 5 or 10 matchboxes, you should immediately know and recognize that such chunk of metal cannot be gold.

The color is certainly not the only indicator if something is gold.

Not everything that shines is gold.

Fake gold and fake gold nuggets offered from Burkina Faso

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