- gold related international business resources pages
- Fake gold from Burkina Faso
The quantity of gold shown on this picture is supposedly about 200 kilograms. Knowledge of physics and specific gravity of gold tells us that gold is about 19.32 times more dense than the water in its purest form. When not as pure, gold is still somewhere over 17 or 18 times more dense than the water. We can see here huge chunks of metal that has yellow color. If this would be gold, just one pile of 5 of these "bricks" of metal, would be as heavy as 20 kilograms minimum. Yet each of the large bricks…
- Fake gold and fake gold nuggets offered from Burkina Faso
Today on August 3rd 2018, we have received this picture of fake gold and fake gold nuggets offered supposedly from Burkina Faso. This type of "gold nuggets" are usually made out of welding rods of yellow color and mostly offered from East Africa. It is very sad that genuine businessmen cannot recognize and distinct the real gold nuggets from this type of buttons that were made with the deceptive and criminal intent. It is part of every elementary school to learn about the specific gravity of water…
- Where can I buy good and cheap gold?
Where can I buy good and cheapgold? In your question you are referring to gold. There is no specification to what type of gold you are referring, and also not of what is considered “cheap”. In gold trade business there are many ways how you can buy good and cheap gold, and I have to be more specific in regards to type of gold and methods of buying gold. - Documents related to Hermes Trading House of Hong Kong
We are publishing here the research that relates to the due diligence and background information of Hermes Trading House that is sending offers for huge quantities of gold in tonnes, such as 5 tonnes of gold per week from Hong Kong and total of 1300 tonnes per year, in exchange for transferable, assignable bank guarantees where such transfers need not be disclosed to the issuer of such guarantee. The Chief Executive Officer of Hermes Trading House declined to provide us with any due diligence information about their offer, and failed to provide license issued by financial services authority of Hong Kong. Mr. Michael Vourakis, the Chief Operations Officer, also failed to provide us with the legal license issued in the name of this entity.
- The fake affidavit of oath for gold ownership
This is yet another fake document supposedly from Ghana. It represents a fake affidavit of oath for gold ownership. The victim's name is used to make this document by using graphics manipulation programs. One may observe how fake those signatures have been placed, how multiple fonts are used, and how stamps are naively graphically designed.
- Express Freight Security LTD - The Fake Certificate of Ownership
This is yet another fake certificate of ownership as issued by fake security company in Ghana. Please people, those names on certificates are pretty irrelevant. It is true that stupid criminals may even use their real names. But one cannot go believe any of such documents that those people with those names are behind this type of the fraud. Criminals tend to use fake names and stolen identities. The certificate of ownership is fake document. One may see the wordings "Member FDIC" which relates to…
- Express Freight Security Company in Ghana, the fake "Certificate of Deposit"
This is yet another document that arrived to us in accordance with the publishing license. We basically get a permission to publish any fake documents that are sent to us. Those for which we think they are fake. And this one is a prime example of a fake document issued by fake security company claiming to be in Ghana (we don't know it). Interesting wordings that one may see here is "Member FDIC" which means Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and related to U.S. banks and financial depositing institutions…
- Fake nuggets offered to us in December 2017 by Ugandan "intermediary"
These fake gold nuggets were offered to us in December 2017 by "intermediary" from Uganda. The intermediary may be genuine, not in the knowledge that gold is fake. Yet there is duty for each gold dealer to know their clients, and such intermediaries are disaster for business. They belong to jail.
- Fake gold nuggets in metal boxes
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets from Tanzania
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Welding rods, the basic material used to make fake gold nuggets
Fake gold nuggets are easiest made out of welding rods or brass material. The yellow color of such material does not mean it is gold! Such fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been…
- Fake gold nuggets in a box
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets from Mwanza, Tanzania
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets in metal boxes
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets in metal boxes
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets on video
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been…
- Fake gold nuggets from East Africa as grabbed by hands by one of naive believers
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Is it not easier to cheat people in other country then in your own? This mzungu women is deluded by thinking that the gold is real and she was trying to introduce the "seller" to our company. According to our terms and conditions this picture have been provided…
- Fake gold nuggets as offered from East Africa, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania
These fake gold nuggets are often sold from East Africa, from countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. Surprisingly, when fake gold offer is conducted from Uganda, Kenyan or Tanzanian are arriving to the country to conduct the con game. Often there will be claim how such gold nuggets have been "imported from Congo". While legal import import to East Africa requires payment of 25% duties this sounds impossible. And if gold have been "smuggled from Congo", this again makes the export illegal. Interesting is that gold may be sold for market prices in all the three countries Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania without any problems, and without questions or documents asked.
- Gold
Gold or Au, with the atomic number 79 is a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia.
- Austrian ducats of more than 16 troy ounces of gold
You may see here how I am counting Austrian ducats as gold coins, each large ducat being as heavy as 13.964 grams and small ducat being as heave as 3.491 grams. Austrian ducats are minted every year with the well known gold fineness of 98.6% and are popular gold coins for weddings, birthdays and presents. We can help any gold buyer to obtain any number of large or small Austrian ducats. We can bring these gold coins personally to any country in the world.
- More than half kilogram of Austrian ducats pured into the glass
Here I am pouring more than half a kilogram of gold in Austrian gold coins known as Austrian ducats into the glass. Large ducats are as heavy as 13.964 grams each totalling to 153.60 grams or 4.93 troy ounces of gold. Small ducats seen on this video are as heavy as more than 12 troy ounces of gold. Austrian ducats are minted every year with the well known gold fineness of 98.6% and are popular gold coins for weddings, birthdays and presents.
- Pouring many small Austrian ducats onto the table of more than 400 grams or 12 troy ounces of gold coins
Here I am playing with more than 400 grams of Austrian ducats or 12 troy ounces of gold coins with the well known gold fineness of 98.6% of pure gold, while on the side one may see 11 large Austrian ducats of total weight of 153.60 grams or 4.93 troy ounces.
- Counting 11 large Austrian ducats as gold coins totalling 153.60 grams or 4.93 troy ounces
Here I am counting 11 large Austrian ducats as gold coins, each being as heavy as 13.964 grams totalling to 153.60 grams or 4.93 troy ounces of gold. Austrian ducats are minted every year with the well known gold fineness of 98.6% and are popular gold coins for weddings, birthdays and presents.
- Beautiful pile of Austrian ducats
Beautiful pile of Austrian ducats on the pile that we have bought in Balkan area and sold to Austrian banks. Ducats are minted in large number every year in Austria. Our company may help international gold buyers to obtain any number of Austrian ducats as gold coins.
- Austrian ducats
Pile of Austrian ducats.
- Austrian ducats on a pile
Pile of Austrian ducats.
- Austrian ducats on a pile
Beautiful Austrian ducats on a pile.
- Austrian ducats on a pile
Beautiful large and small Austrian ducats on a pile together.
- Gold trade in Mali
Information about the gold mining and gold trade in Mali. Local dealers and brokers are buying gold. Top prices are paid. Something like 97% of gold market price to 100% of the gold market price may be obtained for gold that is located in Mali by local Mali gold brokers. All other nonsense about very cheap gold from Mali is incorrect and almost always fraudulent. - Hermes Trade House and Fake Gold Deals
These documents are published by permission and have been sent to us by those people representing directly or indirectly the Hermes Trade House. They mention "large quantities" of gold in Hong Kong, and "Aurum Utalium" which is well known fraudulent terminology.
- Hermes Trading House and fraudulent gold deals
Here are some of documents as given by non-existent "Hermes Trading House" with names such as Kissamitakis and others, who were involved as wannbe gold traders in fraudulent gold dealing.
- Fake certificate of ownership are used in fraudulent gold deals
This type of Certificate of Ownership is often provided by fake and fraudulent fake gold dealers from West Africa and sometimes from East Africa. Customers or better say wannabe gold traders are easily lured into the huge and large gold business of many many kilograms, sometimes thousands of kilograms. Fake certificate of ownership are used to provide evidences of business.
- Fake certificate of ownership
This type of Certificate of Ownership is often provided by fake and fraudulent fake gold dealers from West Africa and sometimes from East Africa. Customers or better say wannabe gold traders are easily lured into the huge and large gold business of many many kilograms, sometimes thousands of kilograms. Fake certificate of ownership are used to provide evidences of business.
- Certificate of Ownership of Gold is a FAKE certificate!
This type of Certificate of Ownership is often provided by fake and fraudulent fake gold dealers from West Africa and sometimes from East Africa. Customers or better say wannabe gold traders are easily lured into the huge and large gold business of many many kilograms, sometimes thousands of kilograms. Fake certificate of ownership are used to provide evidences of business.
- Where do I buy gold in the USA?
Question is giving few examples on where to buy gold in the United States. - What is the quickest way to sell raw gold from Africa?
There are two markets for gold from Africa: Virtual and online market of wannabe buyers and fake sellers, and naive intermediaries, believing into the emails and plethora of online gold offers that claim to have cheap gold from Africa. This group of people believes to each other, but never connect to the actual gold trade in Africa and they live out of the reality of the real gold trade. - How can one tell between fake and real gold with their naked eye?
I cannot say for those professionally made fake gold bars that are of the same size just as the real gold. I am mostly faced with the fake gold bars offered from African countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Mali, where criminals paint the yellow color over the lead bars, or otherwise melt any type of brass, and claim it to be the gold. - Can you send me a real set of procedures that gold buyers and sellers use for gold transactions?
The procedure in the world of real gold trade is as following: meeting both parties, making sure that all legal details are satisfied, such as exchange, of due diligence, making sure that gold is real, by melting it, assaying and taking in possession and if not immediately in possession, then to hallmark the gold in such manner that it cannot be exchanged. And taking other precautions. Paying for gold and taking immediately possession of it. Arranging all other matters such as export or transport yourself with safety, insurance and secrecy. Only fake procedures require FCO, SCO, SPA, and other nonsense documents. - Fake Documents Exposed: Certificate of Ownership for Gold from Ghana
Here we are exposing few of the fake documents representing "Certificate of Ownership" which is usually forged to deceive foreign naive and stupid wannabe "buyers" of gold. And many people actually start believing into it. We are analyzing it here to see by logic and reason how such document cannot be a true document. - How can I invest $320.000? I need minimum guaranteed income of $25.000 per year (with each year % increase / inflation protected)
There are many ways to invest US $320,000 and get minimum and guaranteed income of US $25,000. Question is justified. You can get US $25,000 minimum on investments. You need to find your source, financial institution, company or a bank that will help you with such. When one is surrounded with people who don’t know more about business and investing than what is available in their own city or country, it may be that global opportunities and business investment opportunities are seemingly limited. - Where can I learn about gold buying and selling?
Even those people who only wish to engage in trading of gold in Tanzania, without being engaged in Start Your Own Gold Mine program, we are providing the service of Establishment of Gold Trading in Tanzania meaning a full service with following benefits and advantages... - How much gold does Trump own?
Why not ask Trump directly? How you think that any Quora user may know how much gold somebody owns? - What equipment is needed to extract gold on a small scale for a mine?
I am interested in the equipment, the processes and the cost needed to build a low tech / semi-industrial mining operation to extract gold in West Africa. - We have Gold Nuggets for sale and looking for buyers, are there any buyers?
I am sure you are not the one who mines the gold nuggets, as otherwise you would know it. Judging by your profile picture you are not an African. Fake offers of gold nuggets are to be found often on Internet. Gold nuggets in the nature look as on this link, so visit the link and study how real and natural gold nuggets look like. - How do you make your own gold mine?
Small scale mining is easy when one knows how. This introduction may help the reader to start in small scale mining activity. The general information shall give a guidance on how to properly look into the future of own sustainable gold mining. Knowledge is power. Just like in many other areas of business, knowledge is power. First thing to do in order to start a new gold mining activity is to obtain as much knowledge as possible for your future mining development. You certainly don't need to be an educated miner, but you do need to have access to knowledge and to experts that may help you during your beginning stage. - Do you have AU bullion buyer who can perform FOB HK or Dubai or Singapor 12/9 LBMA and bank to bank?
Dear Sir, nice to meet you. Do you have AU bullion buyer who can perform FOB HK or Dubai or Singapor, 12/9 LBMA and bank to bank? 200M/T is first tranche, up to 2000M/T, buyer can show POF against POP for start. Thank you. - How can you tell that a 1 kg bar of gold has not been poured out and filled with a worthless metal?
That is basic physics that you have already been learning in the school. To determine if gold that you have in front of you, is really gold, provided you have the access to that gold, and you have opportunity to do the experiment, then I am suggesting you the following... - Which gold is harder 21k or 22k?
When gold is more pure, it is closer to its original hardness of 2.5. If it is mixed with copper, that has 3.0 hardness, it is harder. Gold of 21 karat is 87% of gold. The calculation is simple 21 divided by 24 = 0.87. Gold of 22 karat it 91% of gold, as 22/24 = 0.91. Because there is less gold in 21 karat gold, such alloy would be assumed to be harder. But it is not necessarily so. We cannot at all conclude which one is harder, as we do not know what is the other metal in that alloy with gold. - Why does customs check against the entry of undeclared gold?
Since gold is directly money, bringing gold in the country should be encouraged by the government even at the cost of Indian rupees going offshore, because irrespective of currency fluctuations the value of gold is constant in the international market - What would be the volume of gold if collected from the entire planet in any of its forms?
Maybe you direct that question to the tribe of Elohim as they may have better assessment technology to know how much gold could be in the entire Earth. - What happens to gold after it is mined?
How is it processed, how is it sold, and what determines where it is stored? - Where can I sell my gold nuggets?
I want to sell my gold nuggets and I’m in Ukraine. As I’m new in this industry I don’t know where I can sell them easily. What are the ways to sell gold and diamonds? Specially gold nuggets? - Do gold’s ounce and gram prices go up according to each other? Or they're independent?
I want to know if gold’s oz and gram prices go up at the same time. Or gram price may stay stable while oz price goes up. - Where can gold bars and nuggets be sold?
You have not mentioned in which country are you. Gold bars are easily sold to dealers and banks in Europe. In Africa, gold bars can be easily sold to dealers and jewelers. There are gold refineries everywhere in Europe, and they would accept gold bars and nuggets and pay for it after melting. - Why is gold so cheap in gulf?
Gold was never cheap in gulf. Your information is probably not based on real gold trade. If you happen to read Internet offers, they are almost all fake. - If a gold coin was worth a billion dollars, how big would the coin be in diameter?
According to the price of gold being today US $1197 for a troy ounce, a billion dollars would contain 835421 troy ounces (rounded). That is 25984525 grams or 25984 kilograms or 25.98 tonnes of gold. Considering that 19.3 tonnes of gold may fit into one cubic meter, the volume that 25.98 tonnes would occupy would be 1.34 cubic meters. - How can you determine plate thickness on gold plated jewellery?
and how many plate levels (eg. Triple plated) denounces a good or better quality of gold plated jewellery or ornament? - Is it possible to buy gold from African countries for way cheap price?
I got an offer about gold nuggets purchase from a friend living in Africa. But the price he offers is much cheaper than the world marketprices (for gold nuggets). He claims buying from the source. There may be any scam here? - When buying gold nuggets what kind of certificate and documents should I be provided with?
You need to be sure that buying is legal in the country where you are buying it. And eventually, it should be legal in any country where you are bringing it into. Otherwise, when buying gold nuggets, there are and should be no certificates or similar documents. You would know what is gold, and be able to recognize that it is gold. Nuggets are often very unique gold pieces and have little more value than the gold value itself. Nuggets are rare, more rare than diamonds. They are all unique to each other. There are no nuggets that lookalike. - We are preparing to invest in gold from Tanzania, but we are not 100% sure about the company that we are working with
LET ME ASURE YOU, that your deal is a scam deal. Whatever efforts you have undergone already to make the deal, those efforts may drive you to believe that it is real, as you invested energy and effort in making business happen. I am European, gold trader, experienced, well versed and diligent. I am also allergic on fake dealers, it is better I don't meet them face to face. Maybe it does not sound logical to you, how is possible that I tell you that the deal is scam? How do I know it? - I'd like to buy gold bullion and store it in a Singaporean bank, how do I do that?
Why gold? Because of economic uncertainty. How much? Not a lot but since I don't want to spend time managing real estate or look at stock prices, gold is the best. Why Singapore? I trust their banking system and since I travel there every year on average it's easier. - How can I meet big gold sellers?
While you have not defined what it means “big”, as for someone it may be 100 grams of gold, for someone that is 2 tonnes of gold, there is still opportunity to meet such gold sellers. You need to represent yourself correctly, due to the money laundering and frauds in the business. You should have a company, or at least bank account with bank reference letter and confirmation of your funds, to make it more believable when you are to buy gold. - Why is gold produced different from gold sold reported by a gold mining company?
Question is too general. Some companies will have same quantity of gold produced and sold, while others may keep some quantities as assets for later. It is matter of the strategic plan of the company. There is no stipulation that gold produced has to be sold. - What is the country that sells the cheapest gold?
I guess there is nobody in the world that has insight in that kind of question. I can speak out of my experience. Back in 2009, I have noticed that gold as scrap is valued very little in Croatia, they have been paying 3-4 euros for gram of 14 karat gold, or regardless of which quality. In 2010. I have opened a company in Croatia and had business for next 2 years, when the market has changed due to increased competition. - Gold: What books do you advise a newbie in commodity investment to read?
I have ZERO background in finance. But I understand the big picture of the Gold Standard, Petro-Dollar System, inflation, and the fiat currency implications on economy. Hiring an advisor is NOT an option. I want to buy gold as a long-term investment. - Is refined gold (999.9) obtained from broken gold and refined, same as investment gold (999.9)?
Gold is gold, and its physical content may be the same. However, definition of investment gold is not the same as refined gold. Investment gold is hallmarked and assayed by recognized refineries, such as those specified with the London Bullion Marketing Association at - Such gold may be traded for cash without new melting and assaying. It has certain length, width and height, including the weight. It is investment gold because it can be easily bought, without assaying, and it may be sold to banks directly or to gold dealers without melting and assaying. By comparison, the refined gold, which is not investment gold, has to be assayed and melted for verifications of its quality and quantities which imposes expenses and burden when exchanging it for cash. - Why women are fond of gold?
Why women are fond of gold? - Is there a country that I can buy large amounts of gold, say $2m and not have any party be obligated to record the transaction?
I want to operative fully in the framework of the law (the transaction), just don’t what my ex-wife to know and not have any piece of paper come up during the divorce hearings. - Can some one artificially make gold or any other heavy metals by thermonuclear reaction?
Good answer is on Wikipedia: Synthesis of precious metals - Where is the best place for silver and gold jewelry manufacturing and production?
I am starting a jewelry brand and looking for the best, high quality production and manufacturing factories. Protoyping included. - What are the best ways to hide wealth from creditors? Sell everything and buy gold maybe?
One has to consider the laws, as "hiding" implies that one shall break the laws. In most of countries, one has to make an affidavit not to own anything, and make false affidavits may be a criminal act. It is better to protect than to hide. Protection can be done through entities holding the assets. One may move from the position of owning something to controlling something. The motto is control everything, own nothing. That is how Rockefeller was doing. - What's the best way to invest in gold (as a hedge against a stock market crash/recession)?
Place small advertising, that you buy gold jewelry, silver jewelry, silverware, silver plates, gold objects, platinum, even palladium teeth and such precious metals. Pay really little, like 80-85% for it. It will take some time. Visit some areas where you can buy from dealers quickly with prices like 10% less the spot prices. Find best refineries. Exchange the purchased gold and silver for hallmarked gold and silver bullions. - How do I know which silver bars or gold bars I should buy for investment from JM Bullion?
Looking into investing in Gold and Silver. I most likely will purchase from JM Bullion but there are so many options that I don't know which exactly one i should buy. This will be a long term investment where I will buy a few bars and stash them away. - Which kind of concentrating table used in gold mining plant?
There are many various gold mining plants, including many various shaker tables. What you are saying here is concentrating table but the terminology is rather shaker table. And there are many various types, I recommend you review the YouTube search for it. - What is the best way to find a gold-mining joint venture partner?
I own a gold mining demarcated area in Tanzania. It is in Kilindi District, near un-demarcated areas with artisan mines. I look for a joint-venture with someone who has the expertise and capital to undertake gold-mining operations. - I have easy access to cheap raw gold material, what kind of business could I do with it?
You should specify what it means. As if something is cheap, and gold. This almost does not exist on this planet. - What the relationship between age of gold with gold's price?
There is absolutely no relation. That is why the gold is precious metal, it does not change over time, it does not rust. Whoever tell you something about "aged" gold bars or gold bullion, they don't know what they speak about. Sometimes, non authoritative gold bullion will be re-smelted, refined and hallmarked with new brand, but that does change the price of gold. Most of refineries I know will pay for such gold 99% of the actual gold price. - What is benefit for smugling gold?
Clear benefit is the profit. But is there only a benefit or disadvantage? By smuggling gold you would receive profits, but you would also endanger your life, your future, and raise risks to loose all the gold as customs and police could confiscate it, unspoken that you become an easy target for criminal people. - Can we get free metal like pure gold? And why gold can not corrode?
My opinion is that all elements, including gold, platinum, lead, everything, it was created by someone, some people call it God, I don't. But it was created. - What was Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment?
What was Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment? - How do I get scratches out of a gold plated belt buckle?
You go to the jeweler and tell him to polish it for you, and a good jeweler can gold plate it again for very very cheap price. Some can do gold plating within 5 minutes. - How much is required to establish a medium-sized gold, platinum or ferrochrome mining company
Calculate all your other estimated expenses, such as energy, communication, accommodation, medicine, taxes, licenses, royalties, administration, estimate everything you find. - Anyone bought gold from AP gold and precious metal company located in Cameron?
Trying to make a gold deal with African gold suppliers? Welcome to the page where you get to read all essential facts about African gold deals, we call it the reality shock factors, as yes, you might be shocked to find out you have wasted months and maybe even years in attempting to close the deal with African suppliers on distance. Some intermediaries are living in fantasy in the nice and warm place behind their computers, trying to get commission on "gold with discounts", especially when arriving from Africa. - Can you trade gold automatically with a program for free?
You can certainly trade on such trading websites, but it will not be automatically. Because if anyone would invent automatic method of income on gold trade they would never tell it to public. - What is the value of a 10K gold class ring from Jostens?
I may refer to the value of 10 karat. Karat is old measure for gold. If you divide the karat number by 24, you will get the percentage of pure gold in the metal. - What is the best way to invest 100k long term to gain the most?
Passive investments bring less money. Active investments and involvements bring more income over long term. It would be best for you to have your own business idea, and to invest in yourself, in your own business plan. - If you mine gold without telling anybody then would the value of gold decrease?
If you mine gold without telling anybody then would the value of gold decrease? Only if you mine much of gold, without telling anybody, and without selling that gold, the price of gold would slowly increase, and at some point of time, you would be able to sell it. Such sale of accumulated gold would need to be carried out carefully, as the sale alone could bring the prices down. - How invest money in GOLD?
How invest money in GOLD? If I would say "Don't do it" in 2009, I would never start a profitable gold trading business. I was buying and selling gold with my hands, practically and directly from people. - Gold: are people investing in gold often?
Gold: are people investing in gold often? When I was putting some 2 kilograms of gold in the bank safe, I have seen a person, coming in with the bag full of gold. It was very hard for him to pull on it. In fact he used a pulley. I heard the sound inside, I know it was gold by sound. He was then putting gold in the boxes and in the safe box, in the cellar of the bank. Over the time I have seen many people coming to the safe box, and keeping gold safely stored there. - I have $500. Should I invest in gold or should I go for stocks?
I have $500. Should I invest in gold or should I go for stocks? What is a good way to invest so that I get proper returns? If it's stocks, which ones should I buy? - What can be the benefits for a gold mining company to have a consultant making gold price forecasts?
What can be the benefits for a gold mining company to have a consultant making gold price forecasts? - Which machines are suitable for gold mining?
Gold mining is the process of mining of gold or gold ores from the ground. There are several techniques and processes by which gold may be extracted from the earth. Which machines are suitable for gold mining? - Frequently Asked Questions on Gold Trade and Gold Mining Business
Frequently Asked Questions on Gold Trade and Gold Mining Business answered by Mr. Jean Louis, the Business Startup Provider and manager, living in Geita, Tanzania and mentor for the program Start Your Own Gold Mine.
- What is the best way to raise operation seed money for a gold mining claim?
What is the best way to raise operation seed money for a gold mining claim? We have a gold claim that we would like to raise money for new equipment to help expedite the operation. - Gold Mining
Gold mining generates the true physical wealth. Yet the lucrative business of gold mining is distant to many investors and businessmen. Here you may find out the resources that may help the investor to start own gold mining company and to understand the stages of the mining development.
- Fake Gold Offers - Analysis and Warnings
Many wannabe Internet and home based "intermediaries" and "facilitators" including "mandates" without documents, hope for great profits by connecting both the gold buyers and gold sellers. Yet, the virtual world and the lack of knowledge on gold trade bring so many people into trouble. Wannabe gold traders are loosing gold and their reputation and fraudulent gold sellers are gaining yet another bunch of money obtained from the foreign and usually white cash machine.
- Contact Information for Website
You may find here the contact information for website, including the partners and related companies and links on the Internet. You are welcome to contact us to sell your gold or to ask for the advice on how to buy the gold, or how to open up your own gold mining in Africa.
- Sitemap for website
This is the overview of pages on the website for gold trade and gold investment resources. You may find out how to make profit on purchasing gold bullion and how to open up your own gold mine on your own gold mining claim or mining site. Included is the information on exploration, prospecting and mining in Africa with cautions and warnings on gold trade.
- How to get cheap and discounted gold from mining production?
We are in mining development. Do you know that all mining companies in the world are pre-financed, either through private shareholders or as public companies or by gold futures or prepaid gold forward contracts. There is no way to get cheap gold in Tanzania in bulk for foreign buyer who sit in the office. You can just get fake gold and get scammed and lose money.
Latest pages for GOLDIVANTI LP
- Basic and powerful prospecting equipment
This shows how basic prospecting equipment can be very powerful to detect gold occurences. In combination with Start Your Own Gold Mine special prospecting reports we may get quite a good estimate of profitability at some locations.
- Mr. Louis and Mr. Obua before the research of alluvial gold in Kisoro, Uganda
This was the day of the meeting with the mining engineer Mr. Innocent Obua, we have prepared the plan to verify gold occurences at certain locations. Until begin of December this has actually been done and new locations have been arranged for alluvial gold recovery.
- Walkie-Talkies for Communication on Mining Sites in Uganda
These are our walkie-talkies for communication on mining sites in Uganda and also in Tanzania. Mobile networks are often not available in valleys where gold mining takes place. Walkie-talkies are less expensive way of communication on short distances.
- Compressed Earth Block Machine in Kampala, Uganda
This is the Compressed Earth Block (CEB) machine in Kampala, Uganda, we will use it to construct buildings on mining sites or our premises in various locations of Uganda.
- GOLDIVANTI GOLD LIMITED headquarter in Kampala, Uganda
This is GOLDIVANTI GOLD LIMITED headquarter in Kampala, Uganda as of 2019.
- GOLDIVANTI GOLD LIMITED headquarter in Kampala, Uganda
This is the headquarter of GOLDIVANTI GOLD LIMITED in Uganda, as of end of 2019. We are located in Kyebando Central, Kampala, Uganda.
- Falcon MD20 Gold Detector for gold prospecting in rocks
This is Falcon MD20 Gold Detector, metal detector for gold prospecting in rocks. We are using it in alluvial gold operations to detect gold in rocks and types of rocks that could be additionally crushed and grinded to recover gold out of them. Detection is pretty fast and efficient. It can distinguish between the black and and gold. Pyrite is usually not detected.
- Asbestos Gloves and Molds for Gold Melting
These are asbestos gloves and molds for gold melting that we have available in Uganda. Same type is purchased for Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. Proper handling of melted gold ensures safety. Mold has to be preheated to avoid splashing of melted gold.
- CIF is term used for sea and inland waterway transport, not for gold deliveries
CIF is term used for sea and inland waterway transport, not for gold deliveries. Incorrectly used international trading terms are quick indication that something is wrong and usually it is seriously wrong in the offered gold trade deal. Since 2010, I have been purchasing and selling gold. Several refineries received kilograms of gold that I have purchased and in none of their terms I have ever seen terminology like CIF. This is the fact. Finally, the term CIF is Incoterms terminology that applies only for sea and inland waterway transport. No sane person is to transfer gold by ship. Air cargo may be as heavy as one tonne, and up to today, I have never seen that gold was ever transferred with ship. Maybe for governments. Not in private transactions.
- View on few resources, the line from rudimentary ball mill to the pools
Date: 2019-05-01, North Mara, Tanzania. Dejan Vidojković is explaining the line from the elevated ball mills and jaw crushers to the pools downthere as they may be used to collect water, or recirculate the water. We must devise new several production lines on this mining site, that is why we are communicating and sending videos and pictures to each other as Mr. Jean Louis was located on distance in Europe, supervising the operations.
- Happy Time Bar and Lodge in Northern Uganda
This is Happy Time Bar and Lodge in Northern Uganda.
- Gold prospecting on river in Northern Uganda
This is our staff member Stephen Tibasima looking for favorable places for gold prospecting in Northern Uganda.
- Room in the lodge in Northern Uganda
This is how rooms look like in lodges in Northern Uganda.
- Lodge in Northern Uganda
Every room has a separate entrance and good security.
- Accommodation in lodges in Northern Uganda
We love these lodges in Northern Uganda.
- Hotel Restaurant Mego Lonyo in Northern Uganda
This is the hotel and restaurant Mego Lonyo in Northern Uganda.
- The 1 euro cent should be 2.30 grams, but scale shows 2.32
The 1 euro cent or other known coin or any known weight may be used to calibrate or verify the accuracy of precision scales. This time it is showing 0.02 more grams than it should be.
- Agoro, Northern Uganda
This is wild west style picture from Agoro, Northern Uganda, during our gold prospecting expedition on February 17th 2019.
- Lodge in Northern Uganda
This is how lodge in Northern Uganda looks like. Not bad for our purposes. We like separate rooms with separate entrances and possibility to use our own locks on the doors.
- Alluvial gold particles measured by chikolo, Uganda
These alluvial gold particles from Uganda are measured by chikolo size, the size of one hole of the razor blade.
- Chikolo or Chikoro, measure for gold in Northern Uganda
We measure gold by weight. Some people measure it by the size of gold that fits into one of the hole of this razor blade. It is called Chikolo or Chikoro. I am not so sure in spelling and pronounciation. The price difference may change from day to day even 10 times more than it should be.
- Gold prospecting expedition start on February 16th 2019
Our staff members moving to Northern Uganda for gold prospecting expedition on February 16th 2019.
- Staff members in Uganda moving for gold prospecting
Our staff members in Uganda started the gold prospecting expedition from Tororo, Uganda, on February 16th 2019.
- Tororo town, Uganda
This is Tororo town in Uganda.
- Tororo, Uganda, departure point to prospecting expedition in Uganda
This is Tororo, our departure point on February 16th 2019, for the gold prospecting expedition in Uganda.
- Artisanal mineral processing near Geita, Tanzania
This is classic artisanal mineral processing near Geita, Tanzania, there is a sluice, there are some pools with water, the tailing heaps, and final milled ores are processed here, concentrate of gold is collected and processed with mercury. Mercury is poisonous and forbidden substance. We are never using mercury in our own mercury free gold recovery technology.
- Artisanal mining site and pond of water
This is how artisanal mining sites look like in Geita, Tanzania. A pond of dirty water is valuable resources for mineral processing.
- Mining shaft on the mining site
This is one of the mining shafts on mining site. People are going for rocks, while alluvial content was even one gram per shovel on certain locations. It is not quite logical to understand, but people on mining site may not know the mining site without conducting the Prospecting Checks for gold.
- Visit to mining site
This mining site was discovered to have even one gram of gold in a simple shovel of the soil. People are building rooms at the place where they should not be built as exactly on that place the good gold grade have been found.
- Mazuri Lodge, near Geita, Tanzania
This is how the lodge and street looks like in mining locations near Geita, Tanzania.
- Mr. M'hengele Nkwabi, our staff member
Mr. M'hengele Nkwabi is our staff member that makes good reports from fields.
- Ball mills for small scale gold mining imported to Tanzania
These ball mills are for small scale mining, the total capacity for 2 ball mills is not more than 1.2 tonnes per hour. On good and rich ores these ball mills speed up the gold production for about 12 times. The equivalent capacity if purchased in Tanzania would be US $50,000. The ball mills are worth about 50% less. They are running on diesel engines and can bring good steady income over the time. Ball mills are used in final grinding of the crushed gold bearing rocks.
- The ball mills loaded on the truck
These ball mills work on diesel engines and are here loaded on the truck in Dar es Salaam for the destination near Kahama, Tanzania.
- The transport of ball mills starts from Dar es Salaam to Kahama, Tanzania
The transport of ball mills starts from Dar es Salaam to Kahama, Tanzania.
- Truck ready to move with the ball mills to Kahama, Tanzania
These ball mills are transported from Dar es Salaam to Kahama, Tanzania.
- Transport of ball mills with the forklift
The forklift is loading ball mills into the truck.
- Transport of ball mills
Ball mills are transported near Kahama, Tanzania, for purposes of investment into gold mining.
- Ball mills imported from China
These ball mills were waiting long time to get imported from China.
- The main tent and shower tent
This is the main tent and the shower tent on the side.
- Camping tents
Camping tents are prepared for the usage on mining fields. To setup a tent may be easy for somebody with experience. Camping and using tents is common in Europe and North Americas, it is not common in East Africa. Not this type of tents, no. So setting up and using tents requires training time.
- HDPE connectors
The HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) connectors are used to connect pipes together.
- Gold pans and sieves
Gold pans and sieves are basic gold recovery equipment that one may need. It is used at begin of any action cycle, during the mineral processing and at the end during the final gold recovery.
- Sucking hose for the water pump
The sucking hose for the water pump shall never be knicked as that is the way how to destroy it faster.
- Wooden goats and basic sluice feeder with the perforated metal sheet
These are wooden goats used for about one year in Uganda, during 2018, the feeder box or hopper with the perforated metal sheet.
- Wooden goat about one year old
This wooden goat have been used for about one year, one can see that it is not worn out yet.
- HDPE pipes and wooden goats in the storage room
One can see the HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) pipe and the wooden goat in the storage room.
- Water pump that may drive up to 80 cubic meters per hour
This type of water pump is produced in China and according to specification it may pump up to 80 cubic meters of water per hour, that is equivalent to 80,000 liters.
- Slick plates for sluices and gold recovery
Studies on sluices and best practices in gold recovery always recommend using slick plates to allow the finest gold particles to easier separate from the rest of materials.
- Water spray bars
Water spray bars are made out of basic locally accessible plastic pipes.
- The read miners moss matting
This red miners moss matting sadly was lost the day we have made picture of it. We have plenty of it left.
Latest pages for RCD Wealth
- Using corporation for privacy and wealth protection
By using corporation, first of all, your private liability is protected and separate from the liabilities your corporation has. Debts caused by corporation do not extend to your private liability or to your family members. - Ethical green hemp for CBD oil available by tonnes year by year direct from farm in Croatia
Ethical green hemp is available directly from a farm in Croatia, for tonnes in quantities, excellent for CBD oil production. The ecological hemp production on pesticide free land in Croatia as owned by our partner produces tonnes and tonnes each year. Price per kilogram starting already with 8 Euro for 1 to 1.5% CBD, up to less than 2% CBD for 14 to 16 euro, more or less. Inquire for current offers of ethical hemp for CBD oil production direct from farmers. The hemp is fully legal and certified by Global GAP. Over 200 hectares of hemp harvesting every year by year.
- Mark Crisp, contact information at RCD WEALTH LTD, United Kingdom
Mark Crisp is director of RCD WEALTH LTD in United Kingdom. He is our trusted connection for sales of minerals such as gold, diamondsa and Tanzanite gemstones. RCD WEALTH LTD is our sole authorized company for import of polished Tanzanite gemstones to United Kingdom. Don't hesitate to contact Mr. Crisp for any of your inquiries.
- The Mt. Kenya Times, Nairobi, Kenya
The Mt. Kenya Times publishes what is arguably premier content, sustainably-sourced trustworthy information across the world. It is so credible that they get it from the source and process it to fit the end users needs. The Mt. Kenya Times team is made up of young motivated, creative and passionate staff operating in Kenya and India. They provide a range of services from media planning, marketing campaigns on various social media platforms, content creation and brand analytics. They work with local and multinational clients helping them to make their mark on the web. They always seek to deliver media and marketing solutions combining creativity, innovation and technical expertise.
- Show me mines or companies that sell gold in large quantities and want to sell through bank contracts or CIF
A website visitor inquired with the question to show him gold mines that will sell gold in large quantities and that want to sell gold through bank contracts or by CIF. First I have opened gold trading in Europe, and later moved to Africa with investments. I have myself company in Uganda and in Tanzania.
- Jean Louis prospecting on stream in Posavina, Croatia
This stream is located in Posavina, Croatia, and Mr. Louis is detecting gold. Within few hours we have visited multiple streams and could detect small red gemstones for which we suppose to be red garnets, and on one stream in Psunj we have detected gold. Happy enough for the day, we returned home.
- Washing the sand and gravel in the stream in Posavina, Croatia
This is prospecting in Posavina, Croatia, the part of Croatia near the river Sava. There are many streams around, streams with clear water. In the winter time we tried to detect gold in some of them. On the end of the day we found gold in streams near the hill or mountain named Psunj.
- Close to bedrock in Croatia
The surface of this stream is close to bedrock or the bottom of the stream. It contains various minerals, including some types of gemstones. This prospecting was done in one day in Croatia.
- Quick check for gold in Croatia by using Garrett gold pans
Garrett gold pans are what we are using for quick check for gold in Croatian streams. One other important tool is the hand loupe or magnifier. Hand loupe shall not enlarge for more than 10 times, just a standard jeweler loupe is enough to spot the smallest particles of gold that may be invisible to the naked eye. Detection of smallest particles of gold is important as it is indication of gold in the stream. Stream may further be followed to find the gold veins in the hills.
- Prospecting in Croatia
Mr. Louis is digging material on Croatian streams in Posavina, and searching for gold.
- Excavator for VMTRADE investment program
This excavator is destined for trade in our VMTRADE investment program. VMTRADE stands for Vehicles and Machinery Trade. It includes mining and construction machineries. The trade of such machinery is giving 30% on investment to our clients within 4-5 months. For more information inquire with the [RCD Wealth]( "RCD Wealth").
- Excavator for VMTRADE investment program
This excavator is destined for trade in our VMTRADE investment program. VMTRADE stands for Vehicles and Machinery Trade. It includes mining and construction machineries. The trade of such machinery is giving 30% on investment to our clients within 4-5 months. For more information inquire with the [RCD Wealth]( "RCD Wealth").
- Excavator for VMTRADE investment program
This excavator is destined for trade in our VMTRADE investment program. VMTRADE stands for Vehicles and Machinery Trade. It includes mining and construction machineries. The trade of such machinery is giving 30% on investment to our clients within 4-5 months. For more information inquire with the [RCD Wealth]( "RCD Wealth").
- Excavator for VMTRADE investment program
This excavator is destined for trade in our VMTRADE investment program. VMTRADE stands for Vehicles and Machinery Trade. It includes mining and construction machineries. The trade of such machinery is giving 30% on investment to our clients within 4-5 months. For more information inquire with the [RCD Wealth]( "RCD Wealth").
- Excavator for trade in VMTRADE investment program
This excavator is destined for trade in our VMTRADE investment program. VMTRADE stands for Vehicles and Machinery Trade. It includes mining and construction machineries. The trade of such machinery is giving 30% on investment to our clients within 4-5 months. For more information inquire with the [RCD Wealth]( "RCD Wealth").
- Testimonies for RCD Wealth
You may find here some of testimonies for RCD Wealth business services and plan, from various known and unknown people and clients. - Deliver - RCD Formula factor Deliver increases the Reach, Connect and Wealth
The RCD Formula factor Deliver automatically increases the Reach and Connect factors and influence the creation of Wealth or abundance of whatever has been planned by using RCD™ princples. Delivering products or services is contributing to reaching out to people and companies and it is automatically increasing the connection to people. The RCD™ Formula creates Wealth. There must exist the underlying Wealth Generation Plan that is created by using the DPE Formula. Once the business plan is engaged, the RCD™ principles are applied and Wealth is generated.
- How can I increase sales of my services and products in Nairobi, Kenya?
The question has been raised by one of our potential clients on how to increase sales of lightning and house security and decoration products that relate to city of Nairobi, Kenya. - RCD™ Internet Services
RCD™ Internet Services are personal support services for Internet domain registration, website maintenance and management, GNU/Linux Operating System maintenance, programming and marketing services, speed up of a website and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services for your website, domain, company, and business support services such as accepting credit cards online, selling and marketing products and services online, installation of various types of software online such as web shopping carts, and installations of software for publishing and revising website pages such as Wordpress and other supportive, Internet related, website or domain management related services.
- Danish Business For Sales - Ink Refill Business in Denmark For Sale
Danish ink refill business of more than 20 years is now offered for sale for the fee of about US $39,000 or 35,000 euro, or 260,000 DKK or Danish krona. The business has over 50,000 clients and buyers of refilled ink catridges and printer supplies and yearly income of about 50,000 euro or about US $55,000 or 370,000 DKK or Danish krona. Full database of clients, including the 20 years old web site, and material, ink cartridges, tools, gadgets, magazine furniture, and printer supplies is being sold altogether.
- Businesses For Sale - Global Businesses With Good Income For Sale
Here is the listing of our clients and global businesses for sale in variety of countries, that a new owner may take over and continue into the future. Each business requires training and learning of existing and successful business processes so that the new owner may continue earning income without interruption. Contact us and inquire if you wish to purchase an existing business.
- What are some tips I can use to present an idea to an investor?
Offering an idea is not enough. You need to have a detailed, precise business plan. Such plan shall include step by step actions that you will do, it should be precise, detailed and definite. It should contain not only strategy, but rather tactical and practical steps on achieving goals and purposes. Once you have made your business plan, you will have a "tip" to present to investor, and that will be a business plan. - Do investors walk away after they receive their full investment in return?
I am an entrepreneur looking to receive an investment. However I am curious about the bond that forms between me and the investor. Does the investor stay forever or does the bond expire? If so, when does it expire? - Apostille Convention
The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, the Apostille Convention, or the Apostille Treaty is an international treaty drafted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law. It specifies the modalities through which a document issued in one of the signatory countries can be certified for legal purposes in all the other signatory states. Such a certification is called an apostille (from Latin post illa and then French: a marginal note). It is an international certification comparable to a notarisation in domestic law, and normally supplements a local notarisation of the document.
- Apostille Services - Order Apostille Online For Every Country or US State
Apostille Services by RCD Wealth help clients to order and obtain the apostille, by online order, and from any country being member of the The Hague convention Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. For countries that are not members, we offer services of facilitation of highest legalisation of documents as prescribed. The notaried or public document is to be sent to our office, from where we are obtaining the appropriate apostille and sending such document with apostille back to you or to the prescribed party, bank, government office or other destination.
- Creating Capital, Money Making as an Aim in Business, by Frederick L. Lipman
The object of this paper is to discuss money-making; to examine its prevalence as an aim among people generally and the moral standards which obtain among those who consciously seek to make money. The desire to make money is common to most men. Stronger or weaker, in some degree it is present in the mind of nearly every one. Now, how far does this desire grow to be an aim or object in our lives, and to what extent is such an aim a worthy one?
- VMRENTAL Vehicles and Machine Rental Business and Investment
VMRENTAL is the business program for investment and business of rental of vehicles and machinery. The program is benefiting the international investors who wish to immigrate into African countries. It is based on an excellent market demand for rental of machinery and vehicles. This is the alternative investment program that may bring good profits for those businessmen investing into other countries. For passive investors who seek armchair investment, this program may bring 30% of the profit on the investment amount. Each 4 months.
- VMTRADE Investment Plan for Trade of Vehicles and Machines
VMTRADE is the investment plan for trade of vehicles and machines based on the RCD Wealth business planning and requires minimal investment of US $45,000. Within few months, it may give the ROI or Return of Investment and the profit as double as the investment amount. VMTRADE investment plan is available for active, physical and direct trade for businessmen and traders who engage in international transactions. It is also available as a passive and comfortable investment where other companies are managing the trading process, while the investor retains the control and supervision.
- The Art of Money Getting or, Golden Rules for Making Money by P.T. Barnum
That we are born "free and equal" is a glorious truth in one sense, yet we are not all born equally rich, and we never shall be. One may say; "there is a man who has an income of fifty thousand dollars per annum, while I have but one thousand dollars; I knew that fellow when he was poor like myself; now he is rich and thinks he is better than I am; I will show him that I am as good as he is; I will go and buy a horse and buggy; no, I cannot do that, but I will go and hire one and ride this afternoon on the same road that he does, and thus prove to him that I am as good as he is."
- How gold can be sold in Ghana, easily and for cash, and good prices...
The report tells the foreign investor how easily gold can be sold in Ghana, without effort and for cash on the spot, no questions asked, for almost spot prices on the market.
- Linux, GNU, and freedom
Linux, GNU, and freedom - the article by Richard M. Stallman focusing on freedom rather than on technical features with the stress point of the GNU Project having the most significant role in the creation of a truly free operating system, that we may find today. And no, Linux kernel is not a free software. Linux-libre kernel is free sofware.
- Marketing
Marketing - New Mexico
New Mexico - Wyoming
- United States
United States - Offshore Services are protection for your life and business
Offshore Services are protection for your life and business. A true and correct offshore setup shall be such that cannot be attacked or pierced by the government of the country where you live or in case of U.S. and Philippines your original country. It sounds funny, but yes, you want to protect yourself from your own country. Legal setup of offshore services requires knowledge of the laws and possible variations for both countries or multiple countries that are connected.
- Colorado
Colorado - UK
RCD Wealth Services in United Kingdom (UK) provide our clients options to open up new businesses and startups in European Union. We provide company incorporation in United Kingdom and anywhere within European Union, we form, register, incorporate and organize limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, limited partnerships, private fund partnerships, public companies and offer consulting on business establishment and startups. - Proper Business Introductions
Any business party shall first learn how to make proper business introduction, so that all the necessary legal and formal information about the business, about the goods and services, and about the people in that business are presented to another party. Introducing yourself with all the necessary details helps the other party to make proper business decisions. Introducing yourself improperly is going to reduce your capacities to close a business deal. Read this unbiased article on how to introduce your business to another party and what minimal details you should provide.
- Article
Article - Reach
Reach - My girlfriend has trouble and wish to sell gold in Ghana
My girlfriend or wife has troubles and wish to sell the gold in Ghana? Can you help me? She has got a gift from someone, but just need to pay some 10,000 pounds or dollars, whatever, to release the gold so that she can export it. Can you help in exporting gold? My wife has some gold in Ghana, please help us sell the gold in Ghana. Often there are security companies involved and inheritance of gold.
- Reasons not to use Whatsapp
Reasons why not to use Whatsapp will explain why you should not use Whatsapp, as its privacy and security sucks, as the software is proprietary and unjust in its nature, and your information is being used for profits.
- Reasons not to use Facebook
Reasons not to use Facebook are real name policy, censorship of information, deleting statements on human rights groups, privacy vulnerabilities, surveillance and tracking of useds, asking users to provide full address books, annoying ads, emotional harms causing many useds feel envy and sadness, control of media, keeping tracks on how people look at images, racial profiling, face recognition, making shadow profiles of useds before they even have a Facebook account, limiting your email usage, and most of all dividing people, friends and families apart.
- Privacy
Privacy - Reasons not to use Skype
First reason, reason number one not to use Skype is the simple fact that the software does not offer freedom to the user. There is no source code publicly available that users can know what the program is doing on the computer. Users cannot modify the software to run it as they want. Further, they are not allowed to distribute, sell, copy the Skype software as they wish. If you don’t know what the software is doing on your computer, why would you trust it?
- Free Software Song by GNU Stallmans band at Revolution OS documentary
Videoclip de la "Canción del Software Libre" (Free Software Song) que aparece en el documental de "Revolution OS". Escrita por Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS) musicalizada por la banda de los GNU Stallmans. Este video puede ser...
- GNU 25 years and counting
Licensed under Creative Commons BY-ND. Please check the credits at the end of this video too! More @ - Marco Raaphorst:
- Software
Software - The Man Who Could See the Future-16min
- Rich Dad:
Latest pages for Start Your Own Gold Mine
- 2020-01-18 Day of gold prospecting from Kampala, Uganda and 500 km to the West
This was the day of gold prospecting straight from Kampala, Uganda and then 500 km to the west. We arrived to the place which we are not revealing at this place. Gold was confirmed several times on the first gradient. That means after verbal gold prospecting we are arriving to location and panning or making reports. On this location we found area without license that can be licensed by us. It offers opportunity for quick gold mining.
- 2.47 grams of the gold on the balance scale
This is my other balance scale that measures up to 300 grams and is very accurate. It cannot measure small particles less than 0.20 grams.
- 0.23 grams of gold recovered from concentrate after the sluice run
This is 0.23 grams of gold that we have recovered from concentrate after the sluice run. We are satisfied that our medium field prospecting sluice is not losing any gold particles. The situation "not to lose" gold particles is specific to this location, the particle shapes and sizes. If gold particles would be smaller, we would need to utilize better special methods. While we have almost 95% of gold particles that belong to medium gold size group, we recover all gold that is present in the excavated soil.
- 8.048 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
Mining area from April 2020 is yielding with gold at all times.
- 0.144 grams of natual gold particles on the balance scale
This is how it looks like when gold is measured.
- 1.068 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
Nice natural gold particles on the scale.
- 2.4 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
This is alluvial gold, natural gold nuggets on the balance scale.
- 0.062 grams of gold on the balance scale
We observe particles of gold on the balance scale.
- 0.214 grams of gold of natural gold particles on the balance scale
We observe gold particles on the balance scale, we measure the gold and verify its values, this way miner gets the ability to conduct field assays.
- 0.12 grams of gold on the balance scale
Observation of gold sizes and weights help the miner to determine better areas or estimate values in small scale mining.
- 0.078 grams of gold on the balance scale
This is how much gold one needs to reach 0.078 grams. Observations of quantity of gold and its weight and value is a process that helps the miner determine easier good gold bearing areas.
- 0.204 grams of natural gold particles on the balance scale
The balance scale is very precise, it is however limited to 10 grams of precious stones or gold, or anything else.
- 0.008 grams of natural gold particles on the balance scale
This is 0.008 grams of natural gold particles on the balance scale.
- Purchase of 0.204 grams of natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda
Purchase of small gold quantities develops our relations to village miners and our knowledge of the gold.
- Purchase of 0.552 grams of natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda
Purchase of small gold quantities develops our relations to village miners and our knowledge of the gold.
- That is how 1.28 grams of gold look like on the balance scale
Purchase of small gold quantities develops our relations to village miners and our knowledge of the gold.
- 1.28 grams of gold in the gold pan
These final gold particles have been cleaned after run of the sluice in the valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda, during our gold prospecting and exploration project from February 2020. Particles show that they have been kicked many times by rocks and boulders and that their origin is not this place, not here where they are found.
- Gold nuggets in the gold pan
These final gold particles have been cleaned after run of the sluice in the valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda, during our gold prospecting and exploration project from February 2020. Particles show that they have been kicked many times by rocks and boulders and that their origin is not this place, not here where they are found.
- Natural gold nuggets from Uganda
These final gold particles have been cleaned after run of the sluice in the valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda, during our gold prospecting and exploration project from February 2020. Particles show that they have been kicked many times by rocks and boulders and that their origin is not this place, not here where they are found.
- Final gold recovery, valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda
These final gold particles have been cleaned after run of the sluice in the valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda, during our gold prospecting and exploration project from February 2020. Particles show that they have been kicked many times by rocks and boulders and that their origin is not this place, not here where they are found.
- Final gold particles from the valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda
These final gold particles have been cleaned after run of the sluice in the valley of Katojo, village Nyamatsinda, area of Rubuguri town, district of Kisoro, Uganda, during our gold prospecting and exploration project from February 2020. Particles show that they have been kicked many times by rocks and boulders and that their origin is not this place, not here where they are found.
- Purchase of 0.302 grams of natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri, district of Kisoro, Uganda
We purchase gold in the bushes of Uganda from village miners, as this way we discover gold locations and gain new relations during the exploration stage.
- Measuring gold particle sizes tells us this is 0.012 grams gold nugget with length of about 2 mm
We measured the gold particle sizes so to easier estimate the outcomes during field assaying. With this big gold particles of 2-3 mm in its length, we know how many of such similar nuggets we need to one gram of gold. Estimates and learning of field assaying process is part of the program Start Your Own Gold Mine. Without practical experience on the field, person may be confused on how to estimate alluvial deposits.
- Measuring gold particle sizes tells us this is 0.012 grams gold nugget with length of about 2 mm
We measured the gold particle sizes so to easier estimate the outcomes during field assaying. With this big gold particles of 2-3 mm in its length, we know how many of such similar nuggets we need to one gram of gold. Estimates and learning of field assaying process is part of the program Start Your Own Gold Mine. Without practical experience on the field, person may be confused on how to estimate alluvial deposits.
- Measuring gold particle sizes tells us this is 0.02 grams gold nugget with length of about 2-3 mm
We measured the gold particle sizes so to easier estimate the outcomes during field assaying. With this big gold particles of 2-3 mm in its length, we know how many of such similar nuggets we need to one gram of gold. Estimates and learning of field assaying process is part of the program Start Your Own Gold Mine. Without practical experience on the field, person may be confused on how to estimate alluvial deposits.
- Measuring gold particle sizes tells us this is 0.02 grams gold nugget with length of about 2-3 mm
We measured the gold particle sizes so to easier estimate the outcomes during field assaying. With this big gold particles of 2-3 mm in its length, we know how many of such similar nuggets we need to one gram of gold. Estimates and learning of field assaying process is part of the program Start Your Own Gold Mine. Without practical experience on the field, person may be confused on how to estimate alluvial deposits.
- Measuring gold particle sizes tells us this is 0.032 grams gold nugget with length of about 3 mm
We measured the gold particle sizes so to easier estimate the outcomes during field assaying. With this big gold particles of 2-3 mm in its length, we know that we need at least 30+ such particles to reach one gram. Estimates and learning of field assaying process is part of the program Start Your Own Gold Mine. Without practical experience on the field, person may be confused on how to estimate alluvial deposits.
- Measuring gold particle sizes tells us this is 0.032 grams gold nugget
We measured the gold particle sizes so to easier estimate the outcomes during field assaying. With this big gold particles of 2-3 mm in its length, we know that we need at least 30+ such particles to reach one gram. Estimates and learning of field assaying process is part of the program Start Your Own Gold Mine. Without practical experience on the field, person may be confused on how to estimate alluvial deposits.
- Purchase of 0.028 grams in Katojo, Rubuguri, district of Kisoro, Uganda
We purchased some small gold particles, about 0.028 grams of natural small gold nuggets in the area of Rubugur, district of Kisoro in Uganda.
- Purchase of 1.786 grams of natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri, district of Kisoro, Uganda
Purchase of small gold quantities develops our relations to village miners and our knowledge of the gold.
- Purchase of 0.026 grams of natural gold nuggets in the gold mining area of Rubuguri, District Kisoro, Uganda
We purchase this gold as described for some amount of 1 dollar as of April 2020, the balance scale is very precise and can help us in better estimation of gold grade at alluvial gold mining terrains.
- Purchase of 0.02 grams of gold in the area of Rubuguri, district of Kisoro, Uganda
We purchase even smallest quantities of gold in the area of Rubuguri, district of Kisoro, Uganda
- Purchase of 0.074 grams of natural gold nugggets
Local village miners are sometimes asking us to buy gold, and we do so gladly, we pay for even smallest and largest quantities of gold.
- Purchase of 0.104 grams of natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri, district of Kisoro in Uganda.
We are purchasing natural gold nuggets and use precise balance scales.
- Purchase of 0.816 grams of natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri, district Kisoro, Uganda
We have been purchasing gold from village miners so to become aware of locations where gold can be mined and to understand more about gold particle shapes and sizes. Angular shapes indicate to us sources of gold or nearby source locations.
- Purchase of 0.728 grams of gold in Rubuguri, district Kisoro, Uganda
We have been purchasing natural gold nuggets in the area of Rubuguri, district Kisoro in Uganda.
- Purchase of 0.232 grams of pure gold nuggets in gold mining area of Rubuguri, Kisoro, Uganda
We have purchased here 0.232 grams of gold, pure and natural gold nuggets, directly from local miners in the area of Rubuguri, Kisoro, Uganda
- Purchase of 2.244 grams of natural gold nuggets from the area of Rubuguri, Kisoro, Uganda
Natural gold nuggets are very particular in their shapes. We purchased gold during the exploration and prospecting with gold mining activities in the area of Rubuguri, Kisoro, Uganda.
- Purchase of 0.914 grams in the area of Rubuguri, Kisoro, Uganda
Small gold is purchased from village miners with the purpose of inspection and understanding of the gold particles and their formation in the particular area.
- 2020-03-30, 0.294 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-30, 0.060 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-30, size of the 0.02 grams natural gold nugget on the balance scale
- 2020-03-30, 0.02 grams natural gold nugget on the balance scale
- 2020-03-30, 0.070 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-30, 0.078 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-30, 0.046 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-29, 0.296 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-28, 0.024 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-28, 0.058 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
- 2020-03-28, 0.060 grams of natural gold nuggets on the balance scale
Contact There is a simple rule at if we can help you, we do, whenever and wherever necessary, and it's the way we've been doing business since 2002, and the only way we know